Offered area is well connected both with the city, as well as domestic and international traffic network. The railway station Wroclaw-West is about 1.5 km away from the ground, and Copernicus Airport can be reached by car during rush hour in 10-15 minutes.
Car communication
Offered plots are well connected with the Wrocław ring road A-8. They are located in a straight line at a distance of 2 km from the western thread ring road between two nodes allowing entrance to the highway. Closer of the these nodes is located 2.9 km from the offered land. It takes about 5-6 minutes to get there. Along the way, there is only one intersection with traffic lights.
On the Awicenny street, to which offered parcels are adjacent, there is a large traffic. Already, the daily traffic on this street exceeds to more than 12 thousand cars. Within two years it should increase significantly due to the fact that Awicenny street will become the main access road to the largest (after the planned for 2016 expansion) Wroclaw cemetery – Grabiszyński Cemetery.
There are also plans to build a new road connection to the city center. In September 2015 in accordance with the approved Long-Term Investment Plan for the city of Wroclaw for the years 2013-2017, the first phase of construction of crossings over the river Ślęża will begin, connecting Piastów Avenue (Oporów) with the Racławicka street (Krzyki Borek).
Public Transport
Offered land area is now connected with the city center by bus lines operated by MPK. Bus stops are located directly on the Awicenny street (lines 325 and 119) and at the intersection of Mokronoska and Wiejska (within 100-500 meters there are stops of lines: 125, 251, 107).
According to the launch of residential projects by four developers in the direct neighborhood (construction of a total of at least 320 apartments in the next few months) as well as planned massive expansion of the Grabiszyński cemetery, to which Awicenny street will be a major access road in the future, it should be expected to hear from MPK about the proposals of new lines and stops there in the near future.
Rail Transport
Railway station Wroclaw-West is 1.5 km away. This may be an additional asset in the future as the Wrocław agglomeration is planning intensive use of existing rail infrastructure for public transport as a cheaper alternative to the subway.
Access from the airport
Land is located in a very close distance to the Copernicus Airport. Access to the airport at rush hour is depending on the chosen route and takes from 10 to 18 minutes.